NEWhere 2021 Update – A Message From the Con Chair

NEWhere Too, June 18-20, 2021

Greetings all!  With June busting out all over, I am pleased to announce our slate of talented performers! (Please note that the schedule is still subject to change.)

Our Guest of Honor concert, of course, will feature the fabulous Dave Weingart.

Other anticipated performers include Morva Bowman and Alan PollardKathy SandsBob Leigh and Mabel Liang, Amy Fass, Ellen Kranzer, Daphne Arthur, Deborah and Basil, Zorikh Lequidre, Piers Cawley, Michael McAfee and Robert Rosenfeld.

PLUS Bring Your Own Ice Cream Social on Friday“What I Discovered During the Pandemic” on Sundayvirtual con suite every day at noon, and lots and lots of open filk!

Feel free to spread the word, and hope to see you at the con!

Alex Wittenberg

NEFilk/NEWhere Too Con Chair

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NEFilk is the filk convention of the northeastern United States. It rotates among different locations and hosting organizations, under the names ConCerto, ConCertino, Conterpoint, and Contata. This page provides a nexus for information on these conventions, and for other filk activity in the northeastern U.S. The name NEFilk has been used since 2000, and provides a unifying identity for the conventions.

Past NEFilk conventions are listed here.

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